If you have ADHD, your brain doesn't work in the same way as a "normal" or neurotypical brain does because it's wired differently. You and others may see this difference in circuitry as somehow wrong or incomplete. It isn't. It does present you with significant challenges like time management, organization skills, forgetfulness, trouble completing tasks, mood swings, and relationship problems.
In Your Brain's Not Broken, Dr. Tamara Rosier explains how ADHD affects every aspect of your life. You'll finally understand why you think, feel, and act the way you do. Dr. Rosier applies her years of coaching others to offer you the critical practical tools that can dramatically improve your life and relationships.
Anyone with ADHD--as well as anyone who lives with or loves someone with ADHD--will find here a compassionate, encouraging guide to living well and with hope.
Jacket Description/Back:
Lose the shame, love your brain, and live better with ADHD
If you have ADHD, your brain doesn't work in the same way as a "normal" or neurotypical brain does because it's wired differently. This difference in circuitry is not somehow wrong, incomplete, or shameful. However, it does present you with significant challenges like time management, organization skills, forgetfulness, trouble completing tasks, mood swings, and relationship problems.
In Your Brain's Not Broken, Dr. Tamara Rosier applies her years of coaching others to explain how ADHD affects every aspect of your life so that you can finally understand why you think, feel, and act the way you do. The result? Practical tools that can dramatically improve your personal and professional life.
"Tamara is your new best friend. She is smart and funny and has a lot of good ideas to help you better understand your ADHD. With her help, you'll create a more fulfilling life by getting more things done and feeling good about yourself while you do it. Trust me, you will love this book."-- Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST, author of four books on ADHD, including ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship
" Your Brain's Not Broken is the best kind of ADHD book. You can open it up to any random page and find practical, actionable ideas. And those ideas are shared in a relatable, easy-to-understand style that makes you want to apply them! Read this book!"-- Brendan Mahan, MEd, MS, host of the ADHD Essentials podcast
Tamara Rosier, PhD, is founder of the ADHD Center of West Michigan, where she and her staff work with individuals with ADHD (and their families) to learn strategies and develop new skills to live effectively with ADHD. Dr. Rosier is also the president of the ADHD Coaches Organization. She is a popular conference and keynote speaker, is a frequent guest on podcasts, and has published numerous articles about living with ADHD. She lives in West Michigan.
Fleming H. Revell Company
Pub Date: September 21, 2021
0.55" H x 8.43" L x 5.43" W
204 pages