Yarnitecture: A Knitter's Guide to Spinning: Building Exactly the Yarn You Want

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Knitters are branching out and exploring options for creating their own handspun yarn. This is the book that equips them with the confidence and knowledge to realize their vision every step of the way--from fiber braid to dream yarn to knitted project.

Create your dream yarn! Discover the pleasures of designing and building custom-made yarn by spinning it yourself, choosing everything from color to feel and gauge. Jillian Moreno leads you through every step of yarn construction, with detailed instructions and step-by-step photos showing you how to select the fiber you want (wool, cotton, silk, synthetic), establish a foundation, and spin a beautiful yarn with the structure, texture, and color pattern that you want. In addition to teaching you the techniques you need for success, Moreno also offers 12 delicious original patterns from prominent designers, each one showcasing hand-spun yarns.


"Jillian Moreno's exuberant and exhaustive process has resulted in an enviable depth of knowledge about how to turn pretty dyed fibers into beautiful finished yarns and, ultimately, knitted projects. In Yarnitecture, she shares her secrets, guiding our hands and feet so we can achieve the results we dream of."
-- Amy Singer, founder and editor, Knitty.com


"Jillian Moreno is fun, colorful, and richly textured, with a strong backbone of spinning skills and a gift for explaining them. Yarnitecture captures the best qualities of a terrific spinner."
-- Anne Merrow, editor, Spin-Off magazine


"Every knitting spinner and every spinning knitter will want this book. Jillian provides all of the steps necessary to give them the courage to move forward with determination and use their handspun yarns with confidence."
-- Beth Smith, author of Spinner's Guide to Fleece and How to Spin


"Jillian doesn't tell you how yarn should be spun, she gives you information on how it can be spun. With clear and thoughtful text, tons of samples, skeins and swatches, she gives you the knowledge to design the best yarn for your projects."
-- Maggie Casey, author of Start Spinning and co-owner of Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins


"This book gives spinners the tools they need to become architects of their own yarns and make true design choices."
-- Esther Rodgers, JazzTurtle Creations


"It's a happy day when a book appears and we can't stifle the 'wows.' As in wow, that's some righteous handspun. Wow, look at that cool cardigan. Or wow, that Jillian Moreno knows her merino."-- Vogue Knitting

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Clara Parkes
Foreword by Jacey Boggs
Introduction: Why This Book?
1 The Blueprint: Yarn Vision
Why Am I Spinning?
The Advantage of Keeping Track
Getting Motivated to Spin with Intention
Keeping Your Yarn Vision on Track
2 The Foundation: Sheep Breeds and Beyond
Wool: The Backbone of Spinning
Angora: A Class of Its Own
Camelids: Warmer than Wool
The Big Beasts: Yak, Bison, and Musk Ox
Get My Goats
Seductive Silk
Other Natural Fibers
Synthetic Fiber: Nylon Can Be a Spinner's Friend
3 The Frame: Fiber Preparations
Woolen vs. Worsted Fiber Preparation
Silk Preparations: Beyond Top and Roving
4 The Walls: Drafting
A Few Words about Twist
Drafting Triangle: The Sweet Spot in Drafting
Drafting against Type: What Happens
Drafting Fiber Blends: Dealing with Mismatched Staple Lengths
Thick or Thin: Controlling Yarn Size while Drafting
Don't Fight It! Your Wheel Is Your Friend: Work Together
Ratios and Whorls (Pulleys): The Basics
Drive Systems: They Can Make Spinning Easier
How to Draft Consistently
Semi-Worsted and Semi-Woolen Throwdown! Or, a Plea for Sanity
5 The Roof: Plying
What Is Ply and Why Do It?
The Basics of Equipment and Setup
How to Ply
Resting and Rewinding Singles: Pros and Cons
How Twist Affects Knitting
How Ply Affects Knitting
Plying Mistakes and What to Do
6 The Paint: Color
How Dyers Dye
What Affects Color on Fiber
Digging into Your Stash
The Secret to Plying to Match
Mixing It Up within a Braid
Combining Variegated Colors
Working with Batts
7 The Front Door: Finishing
Centripetal Force (Lasso)
8 The Landscaping: Knitting with Your Handspun
A Word on Mill-Spun Yarns
Measuring Handspun Yarn
Sampling and Keeping Track
Planning Knitting Projects
Twist and Knitting Style
9 Housewarming: 12 Patterns Using Handspun Yarn
Sweet Omega Mobius, Designed by Lynne Vogel
Maya Cardigan, Designed by Kirsten Kapur
Jillian Shawl, Designed by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Lina Toe-Up Socks, Designed by Kate Atherley
Bump in the Night, Designed by Amy King
Tetris Pullover, Designed by Julia Farwell-Clay
Wenny Shawl, Designed by Amy King
La Cuerda, Designed by Laura Nelkin
Winter Library Shawl, Designed by Jillian Moreno
Rigby Cardigan, Designed by Bristol Ivy
Hive Mind, Designed by Adrian Bizilia
Dye Goddess Pullover, Designed by Jillian Moreno
Suggested Reading
Glossary of Techniques

Jillian Moreno has been involved in craft publishing for more than 20 years. She worked at Interweave Press and has co-authored two books, Big Girl Knits and More Big Girl Knits. For the past 11 years she has been at knitty.com, where she is the editor of Knittyspin, the advertising manager, and head of the KnittyBlog. She recently helped launch PLY magazine and sits on their editorial board.

Storey Publishing

Pub Date: August 23, 2016

0.8" H x 10.1" L x 8.3" W 

240 pages
