Viking Tales by Jennie Hall (Yesterday's Classics)

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We follow the fortunes of Harald from the time he is given his own thrall at the cutting of his first tooth, through his exploits as a viking adventurer, to his crowning as King of Norway. Then population pressures at home and eagerness for adventure and booty from other lands combine to drive some of the bolder Vikings to set forth from their native land. Sailing ever westward across the Atlantic, they hop along the chain of islands that loosely connects Norway with America in search of home and adventure.

by Jennie Hall

Additional information:

Ages:  6-9
Length:  151 pages
Format:  Paperback
Illustrations:  Black and white
Year published:  2005
ISBN:  978-1-59915-004-8
Genres:  History, World History

0.39" H x 9.0" L x 6.0" W 

Yesterday's Classics