Easily Identify the Trees You Find on the Pacific Coast!
Enjoy learning to identify trees with this guide from author Tom Watts. With this handy, easy-to-use book, you'll be able to identify a wide variety of trees along the Pacific Coast in no time. And its small size makes it just right for fitting into your pocket or pack when you go for a hike.
This is the classic key to identifying native trees of the Pacific Coast, updated to reflect changes in the names of trees since publication of the first edition.
- Identifies native trees, and some widely introduced or naturalized species, of the Pacific Coast region, from British Columbia to Baja California
- Uses Latin names of trees that grow in California that conform to the University of California's 1993 Jepson Manual, as well as more recent name changes
- Belongs to the Finders series of pocket guides to native plants and animals of the United States and Canada
- Uses a dichotomous key format for accurate identification, like all plant guides in the series
Table of Contents:
Species List
- Pine
- Larch
- Parry pinyon
- Foxtail pine
- Western bristlecone pine
- Torrey pine
- Whitebark pine
- Sugar pine
- Western white pine
- Limber pine
- Coulter pine
- Ponderosa pine
- Jeffrey pine
- Gray pine
- Knobcone pine
- Monterey pine
- Bishop pine
- Shore pine
- Lodgepole pine
- Fir
- Santa Lucia fir
- Bristlecone fir
- White fir
- Grand fir
- Pacific silver fir
- California red fir
- Noble fir
- Subalpine fir
- Spruce
- Singleleaf pinyon
- Mountain hemlock
- Brewer spruce
- Engelmann spruce
- Sitka spruce
- California-nutmeg
- Redwood
- Pacific yew
- Western hemlock
- Bigcone Douglas-fir
- Douglas-fir
- Cedar
- Incense cedar
- Yellow cypress
- Western red-cedar
- Port-orford-cedar
- Giant Sequoia
- Juniper
- Mendocino cypress
- Monterey cypress
- Baker cypress
- Sargent cypress
- Macnab cypress
- Santa Cruz cypress
- Gowen cypress
- Piute cypress
- Tecate cypress
- Cuyamaca cypress
- Wester juniper
- Rocky mountain juniper
- California juniper
- Utah juniper
- Walnut
- Black locust
- Ailanthus
- Peruvian pepper tree
- Northern California black walnut
- Boxelder
- Hop tree
- California buckeye
- Elderberry
- Ash
- Red elderberry
- Blue elderberry
- California ash
- Oregon ash
- Velvet ash
- Maple
- Big-leaf maple
- Mountain maple
- Vine maple
- Western redbud
- Blue blossom
- Western sycamore
- Flannelbush
- Oak
- Oracle oak
- California black oak
- Valley oak
- Oregon oak
- Black cottonwood
- Oregon crabapple
- Fremont cottonwood alamo
- Quaking aspen
- Wayleaf silktassel
- Mountain dogwood
- California laurel
- Eucalyptus
- Madrone
- Giant chinquapin
- Curl-leaf mountain-mahogany
- Pacific service-berry
- Birch-leaf mountain-mahogany
- Water birch
- Tan oak
- Hazelnut
- Paper birch
- Hawthorn
- Sitka alder
- Mountain alder
- Red alder
- White alder
- Gooding's black willow
- Pacific willow
- Red willow
- Pacific bayberry
- Bitter cherry
- Sitka willow
- Scouler willow
- Arroyo willow
- Hollyleaf cherry islay
- Christmas berry toyon
- Western choke-cherry
- Hawthorn
- Oregon crabapple
- Pacific madrone
- Cascara
- Klamath plum
- Coast live oak
- Interior live oak
- Maul oak
- Blue oak
- Engelmann oak
Tom Watts is the author of several books in the Nature Study Guides Finders series.
Nature Study Guild Publishers
Pub Date: January 01, 2004
0.1" H x 3.9" L x 5.8" W
64 pages