For those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and those who love and care for them, The Wounded Heart offers a tender, compassionate window into the psychological effects of abuse and the theological foundations for healing. Thirty years ago, with great courage and vision, Dan Allender brought Christians to the table to acknowledge, understand, and help victims heal from their experience of the evil of sexual abuse. His work continues to help victims and those who love them to honestly acknowledge their abuse, understand the unique challenge of repentance for victims of abuse, and learn to love boldly in defiance of their trauma. Ultimately Dan offers the bold assurance to sexual abuse victims that even they can find their way to joy and hope in the comforting embrace of a good God. The Wounded Heart has sold over 400,000 copies and has been the first book family, friends, counselors, pastors, and victims have turned to in search of Christian answers to the calamity of sexual abuse. With a new introduction reflecting on the ongoing importance of the book, and a companion workbook for personal and group recovery, The Wounded Heart continues to offer an urgently needed word of grace in a world ravaged by sexual abuse.
The Wounded Heart is outstanding! It is my conviction that this is definitely a much-needed book and one I now have on my shelf, along with copies to share whenever I meet people who are on the front lines of ministry with survivors of sexual abuse or survivors ready for the journey. Full of godly wisdom and instruction, I read slowly and did a lot of underlining and pondering. I know so many people who have been through sexual abuse, and this gave me a heart-wrenching look into the depths of difficulties they have. I've already recommended The Wounded Heart to several people in ministry and who are mentoring survivors of abuse. Dan has a way of seeing into the heart and soul of the problem and lighting the path for coming out of the darkness.--Francine Rivers, bestselling author
Dan Allender is a hero, and The Wounded Heart is a classic. I'm so glad its healing power is being updated and reengaged.--John Ortberg, senior pastor of Menlo Church
This classic book on engaging sexual abuse is back and couldn't be more relevant for today. Dr. Allender's work has been pivotal in my own healing journey, and this book will be a trusted guide. Dr. Allender is wise, kind, and fierce as he stares life's deepest wounds in the face and calls the reader to do the same. I am confident this book will ripen your heart to a redemptive grief and the healing of your own wounded heart. Truly a masterpiece of courage!--Andrew J. Bauman, author of Stumbling toward Wholeness
As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I held my breath as I read The Wounded Heart, wondering if I'd find pages of platitudes, simplistic answers, or hyped-up guarantees of happily ever after. I needn't have worried. This book is raw and real--there is no sugarcoating of evil or glossing over the damage done to vulnerable bodies, emotions, and souls. But in a way that touches my heart, Dr. Dan Allender walks with us through the terrible, shattering darkness of childhood sexual abuse, yet gently . . . insistently . . . beckons us to keep walking toward the One who offers the healing love we crave more than anything on earth.--Kay Warren, cofounder of Saddleback Church
This book became the classic on healing sexual trauma because it works. So hopeful, so powerful. I'm thrilled Dan has released an updated version. I recommend it to everyone I know!--John Eldridge, bestselling author
Dan Allender's ability to walk through the painful and beautiful terrain of the human heart is unparalleled. As a therapist and minster, there is no greater influence on my work. I am so grateful this magisterial work exists.--Jay Stringer, LHMC, author of Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing
Dr. Dan B. Allender received his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary and his PhD in Counseling Psychology from Michigan State University. Dan taught in the Biblical Counseling Department of Grace Theological Seminary for seven years (1983-1989). From 1989-1997 Dan worked as professor in the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling program at Colorado Christian University, Denver, Colorado. Currently, Dan serves as Professor of Counseling Psychology and President at Mars Hill Graduate School ( in Seattle, Washington. He travels and speaks extensively to present his unique perspective on sexual abuse recovery, love and forgiveness, worship, and other related topics. He is the author of The Wounded Heart (NavPress), and has coauthored four books with Dr. Tremper Longman III, Intimate Allies (Tyndale), The Cry of the Soul (NavPress), Bold Love (NavPress), and Breaking the Idols of Your Heart (IVP). Dan and his wife, Rebecca, have three children and live in Seattle, Washington.
NavPress Publishing Group
Pub Date: May 02, 2018
0.9" H x 8.9" L x 6.0" W
304 pages