Dumetella carolinensis
(p. 248)
Disk 1: track 2: time 3:56
Habitat: Dense thickets and undergrowth. This bird often sings from
its preferred habitat and thus stays out of sight.
Voice: Song a disjointed medley of harsh, squeaky, and nasal phrases
with occasional sweet notes. Each phrase is normally given only once.
Call note: A harsh, catlike meeoow; also a harsh, crackling series
of notes.
Text and narration copyright (c) 1990 by Richard K. Walton and Robert
W. Lawson. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company.
Dumetella carolinensis
(p. 248)
Disk 1: track 2: time 3:56
Habitat: Dense thickets and undergrowth. This bird often sings from
its preferred habitat and thus stays out of sight.
Voice: Song a disjointed medley of harsh, squeaky, and nasal phrases
with occasional sweet notes. Each phrase is normally given only once.
Call note: A harsh, catlike meeoow; also a harsh, crackling series
of notes.
Text and narration copyright (c) 1990 by Richard K. Walton and Robert
W. Lawson. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company.
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