In this faithful retelling of the classic Grimm Brothers tale, the illustrations capture the kindness of the shoemaker and the magic of the two elves who help him.
"It's a dandy adaptation, more fun than most of the versions available." -- Publishers Weekly
Paul Galdone was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1907 and emigrated to the United States in 1928. After finishing his studies at the Art Student League and the New York School of Industrial Design, Mr. Galdone worked in the art department of a major publishing house. He illustrated almost three hundred books, many of which he himself wrote. The winner of two Caldecott Honors, Mr. Galdone is fondly remembered for his lively style, bright earthy humor, and action-filled illustrations, which will continue to delight for generations to come.
Target age: 4 to 7
Clarion Books
March 17, 1986
0.16" H x 8.85" L x 7.88" W
32 pages