Rock collecting is for everyone!
Nature's treasures are just beneath our feet, waiting to be discovered. With this book, you'll experience the excitement of finding, collecting, and identifying rocks and minerals. Dan R. Lynch, author of many field guides, presents a children's introduction to our amazing Earth. The book begins with geology basics, such as where rocks come from and how Earth's surface changes over time. Next, young readers are provided with an identification guide, which features full-color photographs and ID tips on 75 types of common and collectible rocks and minerals. From there, a "how to" section includes details on what to look for, where to look, and what to bring, as well as safety considerations. With rock collecting guidelines that the whole family will learn from and enjoy, this fun guide is engaging and informative--with plenty of kid-appeal--as it starts children on the path toward becoming successful rock collectors!
All About Geology
- Our Earth
- Inside the Earth
- Landforms and Tectonic Plates
- Weathering
- Examples of Weathering
- Caves
- Sinkholes, Cenotes, and More
- Glaciers
- Rock Formations
- What Makes a Mineral?
- How Minerals Form
- Crystals
- How Crystal Formation Happens
- What Do Minerals Look Like?
- The Many Forms a Mineral Can Take
- Crystal Shapes
- Mineral Colors
- Streak Color
- Luster
- Hardness
- Identifying Your Find (with an adult's help)
- The Mohs Hardness Scale
- All About Rocks
- What's in a Rock?
- Rocks: What's on the Ground and How Did It Get There?
- Igneous Rocks
- How Volcanoes Work
- Cooling Down
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
How to Identify Rocks and Minerals
Rock Collecting Basics
- Where to Look
- Range Maps for Common Rocks
- A Guide to Common Rocks
Mineral Collecting Basics
- Where to Look
- Range Maps for Common Minerals
- A Guide to Common Minerals
- Minerals Found Mostly in Rocks
Agates, Fossils, and Dyed Crystals
- Rare and Popular Collectibles
- Agates
- Thunder Eggs
- Geodes
- Fluorescent Minerals
- Fossils
- Natural Stones Commonly Found in Rock Shops
- Dyed Stones Commonly Found in Rock Shops
- Dyed Minerals
Frequently Asked Questions
About Rock Collecting
Rocks and Mineral Journal
About the Author